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Banham Zoological Gardens

Kenninghall Road, Banham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR16 2HE

About us

Banham zoo opened to the public in 1968 and is one of Norfolk's premier tourist attractions, pulling in around 250,000 visitors each year.

Starting out with a only single groundskeeper and housing a collection of parrots and pheasants, the zoo's 50 acres of parkland is now home to more than 120 species - approximately 3,000 animals (including those from 5 critically endangered and 16 endangered species) cared for by a team of 21 keepers.

The park is operated by the Zoological Society of East Anglia (ZSEA), whose aim is to secure the long-term futures for both Banham Zoo and Kessingland's 'Africa Alive' in Suffolk, which was purchased in 1991. ZSEA also strives to advance both of the parks roles in wildlife and environment conservation, animal welfare and offers various education programmes and research opportunities.


Are you looking for an amazing opportunity to see behind the scenes and volunteer in a beautiful natural environment, alongside our amazing animals?

If so, we are currently recruiting for Keeper Volunteers and Visitor Volunteers.

We look for volunteers with a willingness to learn and follow instructions to the letter, with excellent communication skills and a good degree of fitness as many of the tasks are physical in nature. You will need to be comfortable in working in extremes of weather and the ability to work calmly and sensitively in animal environments.

All volunteers will need to undertake an induction training session and will receive support from permanent staff members.

You must be 18 years old or over to apply.

To express your interest go to: https://www.zsea.org/community/volunteer 

Work Experience

Work experience placements with the Animal Management Department

Animal Keeping is a demanding but rewarding career. Work experience placements with the animal management department at Banham Zoological Gardens are available to students who are currently studying at Lvl 3 National Diploma in an animal related course, A levels or higher and aged 18 years or over.

Students interested in a placement with the Animal Management Department must demonstrate a keen sense of enthusiasm and commitment and be prepared to work hard in all weather conditions. We expect students to attend every day of their placement and complete a full day’s work, cleaning animal enclosures and preparing animal diets under the supervision of a keeper.

Placements can be either block release, Monday to Friday, for a minimum of two weeks or day release, Saturdays or Sundays, for a minimum of ten consecutive days.

To secure a booking, students must have completed and returned student and college forms and paid a non-refundable administration fee of £125.00.

For more information about work experience placements please contact Cheryl Hutchins on 01953 887771 Ext: 244 or email cheryl.hutchins@zsea.org 

Job Vacancies

Our colleagues are dedicated to our mission to preserve wild futures, share our passion for animals and conservation and provide the best customer experience for our visitors. Working in a zoological environment is varied, exciting and challenging. 

Running world-leading conservation facilities takes a diverse, dynamic and talented team. Come and join us!

View our latest job vacancies at: https://www.zsea.org/jobs 

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