About Us

About Us

icanbea... is a free careers inspiration tool, focussed on helping 12-25 year olds in Norfolk and Suffolk.  It's aimed directly at students and job seekers but we encourage teachers, careers leads, employment advisors and parents / guardians to introduce it to - and use it - with young people that they wish to support into work or training.

Check out our no-nonsense site map here, to see our main offerings or use our search facility, up there at the top of the page.

In some ways the site is similar to an online careers fair - we explain employment sectors and profile the local organisations and employers within them who can offer work or training related opportunities and jobs.

But we go further: Providing tools such as our CV buildercareers wizard and job ideas database to help those who haven't yet picked a career path to investigate.  We also provide resources such as virtual tours, employee case-study videos and tips and tools for things such as CV building and interview preparation, both through the website and in person through our charitable remit.

icanbea... works best when you optionally create a free account - which allows you to save your preferences and results.  Registered accounts also really, really help us prove impact and make it much easier for us to obtain investment and invest ourselves in the evolution and improvement of this free resource.

For a quick primer on how to use the site, take a look at our video guide page.

The CV Wizard was developed with support and funding from a number of partners and the European Social Fund.


icanbea... is owned and operated by The Mason Trust, working with and supported by organisations such as schools and colleges, industry bodies, the DWP, and the County Councils & districts.

If you or your organisation would like to help us improve or enhance the offering we provide or If you work for an educational establishment and are looking for us to provide resources or instruction on how to best use the site, please get in touch.

If you're an employer or organisation that would like to feature on icanbea... then take a look at this!

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