Student Support

Student Support

CV & Job hunting Support > Student Support

CV (Curriculum Vitae)

If you have arrived at this page after completing the CV Wizard - congratulations - hopefully you have a CV which you are happy with. 

Before you send the CV to prospective employers make sure that you have checked it and you are completely satisfied that it represents you as a person and your personality.  

If you haven't completed your CV you can either try out the CV Wizard (which you can access on your computer or phone) or you could visit our CV Tips page which will help you to create your own.

So what next? 

Making big decisions about your future can feel overwhelming and you may be undecided about what you want to do next. You are not on your own, see below for your options at 16 and 18 and where you could get some help and advice.

Options at 16

Options at 18

Help and Advice

At school - Your school will have a careers leader or careers adviser who will be able to run through your options with you.  They may also be able to help you complete applications for courses, apprenticeships or jobs.

College, Sixth Form or Training Provider - Most colleges, sixth forms or training providers will have open days/evenings (or virtual open days) which will give you a chance to have a look around and chat with staff about the courses they offer and what would be suitable for you.  You may also be able to book a 1:1 appointment with a qualified careers advisor who will be able to give you some advice and guidance.

University - UCAS offer support in many ways from choosing which course to take and where you should study to student finance 

UCAS - what to study

UCAS - student finance and support

National Careers Service - offers confidential help and advice about apprenticeships, jobs, careers and training. You can contact an adviser by calling 0800 100 900 or send an online message.  Lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 5pm Saturday, calls are free from landlines and most mobile numbers.

Help You ChooseNorfolk career information, advice and opportunities website. The website holds details of courses available at 6th Forms and Colleges, apprenticeships and traineeships vacancies and information about other learning opportunities, open days  / events  and lots of help help with making student career choices.

The Source - Information and advice for young people in Suffolk, including material about learning, studying or training.  Things to consider, options to research and decisions to make at 13, 16 or 18. 

(NB most colleges and universities will require you to attend an interview - either in person or online.  For details on how to prepare for your interview, please go to our interview tips page.)

Family and Friends - These are the people who know you best so it is a good idea to have a chat with them but remember, what you do next is ultimately your decision and you need to be happy with it.

Travel and Transport

Transport can be a big issue, especially if you live in a rural location - it can have an impact on the choices you make. The following links provide information on the transport links in your region and how to apply for discount cards.

Norfolk County Council - Find your transport this tool helps you to find out which transport services operate in your area.

Norfolk - Bus times and Journey Planner 

Norfolk County Council - Post 16 travel scheme - support to students studying further education at Sixth Form or College.  It's also worth checking with you local bus operator to see what discounts they offer.

Suffolk on Board - Journey Planner

Suffolk County Council - Endeavour Card - If you are aged between 16 - 19 you can apply for an Endeavour card which will enable you to receive a minimum of 25% discount off full price adult fares.

Traveline - Lets you plan bus, rail, coach journeys across the country.


First Bus times and tickets for Norfolk and Suffolk.

Sanders Coaches - tickets and timing for Norfolk & Norwich buses.


Trainline is a one-stop-shop for train and coach travel.

Greater Anglia: Tickets for transport on the GA service.

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