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Wymondham College

Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9SZ

About us

The College offers an inclusive and caring boarding community to which all are proud to belong. We expect students and staff to work hard, to maintain high standards of personal presentation and behaviour and to demonstrate respect for others within the College, in the local community and further afield. We have developed a set of core values, which we feel best articulate our expectations of one another.

Our values:

  • Trusting & Respectful of one another, our surroundings and our rich history, celebrating our individuality and embracing the diversity College life brings.
  • Committed to giving our very best at all times, courageous and resilient to embrace change and welcome challenge, whilst maintaining the high standards we would expect from one another.
  • Passionate about what we do, spirited in our endeavours, creative and dynamic, the pioneers of the future.
  • Aspirational in our ambitions, striving for excellence in an ever changing world with an appetite for enterprise and learning. We take pride in our achievements and delight in the achievement of others.
  • Sharing & Caring and valuing friendships in our College community and beyond, challenging injustice whilst supporting the vulnerable. Our flourishing wisdom gives us the courage to stand beside one another in times of need.

Wymondham College Futures

The Futures programme aims to guide young people towards a successful career.

At Wymondham College, we appreciate the importance of inspiring and informing young people, providing effective and impartial advice and guidance to enable you to make decisions about your future. We also aim to equip you with the skills, qualifications and experience you need to realise those aspirations.

Careers education, advice and guidance is provided from Year 7 onwards via the school’s PSHE curriculum, supported by a comprehensive range of activities delivered by the Student Futures Co-ordinator, Liz Edwards, a qualified careers adviser.

If you would like to find out more about the Wymondham College Futures programme please visit our Futures page.

Sixth Form

Wymondham College has an extremely strong academic track record, producing outstanding results and enabling students to study their chosen degree at their choice of university. If you come here you can be confident that you will have the chance to make your mark in sustaining and developing the academic standards of the Sixth Form.

We work on the four core qualities of Attitude, Attendance, Attainment and Appearance. In short, you must approach life with respect, attend all lessons, work to the best of your ability, and look smart! You will be given regular Progress Reviews every six weeks to ensure you are on target; you will receive an annual Extended Progress Review; you will have an evening where your parents or carers visit the College to talk to academic staff; and you will also receive an End of Year Summary Report.

Our sixth form offers a wide range of subjects, to find out more visit our sixth form page.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about life at Wymondham College then please visit our website.

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Wymondham College 2020 - A World Class State Boarding and Day School
Campus Tour 2 - January 2021
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