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Suffolk Agricultural Association (SAA)

Trinity Park, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP38UH

About us

Key Strategic Aims

As an organisation: to raise our profile as a charity by being a force for good and central to all matters food, farming and the countryside in Suffolk.  To build a dynamic and vibrant membership association with relevance to all farmers and those engaged in Suffolk’s rural economy.  To harness the commitment and enthusiasm of our members and volunteers to disseminate knowledge and education about food and farming.

In Education: to provide facilities/facilitation for learning about food, farming, the countryside and wider environmental issues enabling informed connection between tomorrow’s consumers and the producers, and to contribute to the growth of the rural economy through inspiring particularly younger people to explore the wide range of careers the sector offers.

Through the Suffolk Show: to continue to be a ‘best in class’ county show which is relevant and appealing to a modern and increasingly urban based consumer/visitor.  To also be a focal point for the ‘Suffolk brand’ and promotion of the cultural offer.

At Trinity Park: to manage the estate to best advantage in order to contribute to the long-term financial sustainability of the SAA, whilst enhancing the Show infrastructure and educational activities.


The Suffolk Agricultural Association boasts a fantastic team of volunteer stewards who take part in all of our educational events throughout the year including the School Farm & Country Fair, The Suffolk Show and our Food & Farming Student Day.

Each steward plays a vital role in their designated areas, ensuring our visitors, animals, exhibitors, sponsors and displays are safe and cared for throughout the show.

The Suffolk Show is supported by over 300 volunteer stewards that help keep the show running smoothly across all areas of the Showground both on the day and throughout the year.

To find out more about the SAA and the opportunities in the food and farming industry, please take a look at our website and follow us here on icanbea!

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A Career in Events Management - Suffolk Agricultural Association
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