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St Elizabeth Hospice

565 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP38LX

About us

St Elizabeth Hospice is an independent Suffolk charity, which every year delivers care to over 4,000 patients and their families throughout East Suffolk, Great Yarmouth and Waveney, who are living with a progressive or life-limiting illness.

These services cost around £12m to facilitate each year, with the charity raising 70% of funds via revenue streams and the generosity of the community through support of its retail shops and fundraising activities.

Since 2015, we launched Zest - our young adult service which supports those aged 14 and above with progressive & incurable illnesses. We work closely with children’s hospice services to ensure young adults have a smooth transition into adult care, tailored treatment and services they need to be able to enjoy life to the full.

We've been providing services in Great Yarmouth and Waveney since 2019, in partnership with East Coast Community Healthcare. In 2023, our services in Great Yarmouth and Waveney merged with the organisation East Coast Hospice to form St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice. We have specialist palliative care beds at Beccles Hospital as well as support in the community in people's homes. Find out more here.

Volunteer with us

We are lucky to have more than 1,500 volunteers ranging in age from 14 to 95, contributing their skills and time to support the hospice. From retail assistants, baristas, gardeners, van drivers and volunteers with hospice care, there is a role for you. See all vacancies here.

Why volunteer?

Most of us know volunteering is a good thing. It feels good to do good. But there's much more to it. Volunteering gives something back. It can help build new skills. It adds balance and variety to a CV. In this age of networking, it can help you create useful contacts, great friends and improve your quality of life. It helps build your community and it is fun!

What we offer?

Voluntary work at the hospice offers many opportunities including:

  • A worthwhile and rewarding role
  • The ability to contribute to the quality of patients' care
  • The chance to feel valued
  • Useful experience towards further training and career choices
  • Increased confidence and people skills
  • Meeting new people and making new friends 


Our employment team is made up of expert managers, nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants, administrative staff, fundraisers, retail employees, support professionals and therapists as well as catering and maintenance workers.

Whatever your discipline or experience you will find the work rewarding. We offer the chance to make a real difference to people's lives and to contribute to the care of the community every day. That's much more than just a job.

To view our current vacancies please visit our website.

Find out more

If you would like to know more about volunteering with us or to view our current vacancies please visit our volunteer page. For more information about the work we do and careers with St Elizabeth Hospice please visit our website.

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