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Quadram Institute

Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich Research Park Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UQ

About us

  • At the Quadram Institute we research how food and microbes interact, to promote health and prevent disease.
  • We use our scientific knowledge to deliver healthier lives through innovation in gut health, microbiology and food.
  • Our science is highly interdisciplinary, combining expertise in food science, microbiology, genomics and clinical research.
  • In a state-of-the-art building, our microbiologists, genome scientists, gut biologists, nutrition researchers and clinicians work together at the frontier of food and health research
  • We use the latest technologies in innovative new ways to make discoveries in food and health bioscience.
The Quadram Institute is at the forefront of food and health research, and will provide you with a stimulating and rewarding environment to work in and progress your career. As part of the Norwich Research Park, working in the Quadram institute means you will be part of a community of over 3000 life scientists. As well as being an international centre for scientific expertise, Norwich is one of the UK's safest and most pleasant cities with an excellent quality of life

Research Areas

  • At the Quadram Institute we create new interfaces between food science, gut biology, human health and disease
  • We work to understand at the mechanistic level how food and gut microbes promote human health
  • Our science investigates the microbial threats in food to improve food safety and reduce food waste
  • Our two strategic research programmes focus on the areas of Food, Microbiome and Health and Microbes and Food Safety
  • We are part of the cross-institute collaborative research programme Delivering Sustainable Wheat which addresses critical challenges in wheat health and yield and production in order to safeguard the future of this vital crop.

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We are committed to training the scientists of the future and providing outstanding development opportunities for all. This reflects both our desire for ongoing excellence in science, together with our wish to enable people to develop transferable skills for their chosen career path, either within a research environment, or other professions.

Whatever your role in science, scientific support, or professional support, we aim to provide ongoing opportunities for you to develop new skills, refresh skills relevant to your role, and continue your professional and personal development.

Quadram Institute Bioscience provides a stimulating and rewarding environment to work in. Research Group Leaders lead small teams that use multidisciplinary approaches to tackling major societal challenges such as healthier ageing, reducing the burden of disease, and healthier and more sustainable food.

The Quadram Institute is part of the Norwich Research Park, which is home to six institutions carrying out world-leading research, an internationally renowned university, a major hospital with clinical research facilities and around 30 science and technology businesses. With over 11,000 people including 3,000 scientists and clinicians and an annual research spend of over £100 million, the Norwich Research Park is Europe’s leading centre for research in Food, Health and the Environment.

Quadram Institute Bioscience benefits from its location on the edge of Norwich, combining a pleasant location set in 230 hectares of parkland with proximity to Norwich, a vibrant city that mixes the past and the future to make an inspiring place to live and work.

Studentships and training

Training the food and health scientists of the future is an important part of our mission. PhD students are hosted in research groups by world leaders in their field, benefiting from easy access to the student life at the University of East Anglia. QI is a partner in the Norwich Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership Programme, which brings together the resources of the world-class research institutions on the Norwich Research Park. We are also a specialised international training centre for EU PhD students and postdoctoral scientists. We also host internships, placements and undergraduate students looking for work experience, as well as providing a number of opportunities for schools and school students. Find out more.

6 Videos

Build your career at the Quadram Institute
About The Quadram Institute
MicroBattle: Microbiology Themed Card Game
Inside the NNUH-run Clinical Research Facility at the Quadram Institute
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