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Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum

The Street, Flixton, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1NZ

About Us

The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum, recognised as East Anglia's Aviation Heritage Centre, is run entirely by volunteers, with one paid staff member. It is a Registered Charity (No. 281804), a Limited Company registered in England and Wales (No. 1487622), and an Accredited Museum (No. 1938).

The collection early in 2014 comprised 66 aircraft (including cockpits), and more than 30,000 smaller artefacts. 11 aircraft and 6 cockpits are displayed outdoors but everything else is on view within themed buildings for the Royal Observer Corps No. 6 Group, the 446th (H) Bomb Group USAAF, RAF Bomber Command, RAF Air-Sea Rescue & Coastal Command, and local aviation from the pioneer years to the present day.  

There are also numerous exhibitions on special subjects including WWII Decoy Crews, Boulton & Paul Norwich, RAF Link Trainers, aerial photography, radio/radar/electronic counter measures, the Home Front, and Luftwaffe wreckology. Facilities include a Shop, Archive & Library, snack area (NAAFI), picnic tables, and a raised boardwalk to the river through a Willow plantation - the Adair Walk.

Please visit our website for up to date opening times and the dates for our special events. 


If you are looking for work, but need that extra something on your CV then volunteering here might be useful to you, and you to us. In order to help, and be covered by our insurance you need to be a member of the museum, but that does entitle you to free tea/coffee whilst you are here and to attend a couple of social events per year.

The best way to get in touch initially is via our email address: Volunteer@aviationmuseum.net 

Volunteering areas include:

  • Hands on/Education
  • Electricians
  • Painters
  • Archive/Interpretation
  • Retail
  • Events

For more information visit our volunteering page.

Work Experience

As the museum is volunteer run we have had to review our offering in respect of Work Experience. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests and work offered will vary greatly depending on tasks available.

For further information please contact the museum via our email address: nsam.flixton@gmail.com 

Junior Engineering Day

Next dates: To be announced

An invitation to come along to Flixton for half or a full day and learn an engineering skill. The following opportunities will be available from 10:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 15:30. Some of the sessions do not last the full 2.5 hours.

Click here to book a place Bookings. 

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A Career in Heritage - Norfolk Suffolk Aviation Museum
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