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Howard Nurseries

Howard Nurseries, Bury Road, Wortham, Diss, IP22 1PX

About Us

Howard Nurseries is one of the country's largest, wholesale perennial specialists. Established fifty years ago from humble origins our business, like our plants, has grown steadily in the beautiful Suffolk countryside. Over the years we have strived to develop valued and long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers.

Howard Nurseries was founded as a partnership in 1969.The partners had a dream, many years of practical experience, a few stock plants and half an acre of poor, rented land.

The nursery has steadily grown and now covers over 150 acres making it one of the foremost perennial producers in Great Britain.

Not all the land is used for herbaceous perennial production, as a proportion is either fallow or down to agricultural crops as part of a crop rotation programme. The foundation of the company is built upon David Howard’s passion for service, quality and plant range. Annual production includes field grown plants as well as 9cm and 2L with a few 5L. The plant range is constantly expanding and now stands at approximately 1600 varieties.
Our fantastic nursery team has around 40 full-time members of staff with additional support from seasonal workers during busy periods. They are the ones who grow and sell the plants and take a personal interest making sure everything looks fantastic when it leaves the site ready for our customers.


Horticulture is one of the largest industries in the U.K. – it’s a great way of life with opportunities for everyone.

Love being outside? There is nothing like getting your hands dirty to grow your knowledge and confidence.

Some typical jobs we do in a day include: husbandry of container and field-grown stock; propagation from seed and cuttings; stock-bed management; identifying plants and soils; identifying weeds, pests and diseases; operating in the nursery dispatch department; trials of peat-free growing and new plants.

Please see job vacancies for current job positions – at the bottom of website. Apprenticeship and Work experience options available. Please email if interested.

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