Holden Group

Holden & Holden Ltd, 22 Heigham Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4TF

About us

Holden Group is a family-owned group of Car Dealerships in Norwich, Norfolk. Holden Group has been looking after customers since 1928. 

We represent the Kia, Volvo, Honda, Renault, Dacia, and MG brands in Norwich and surrounding Norfolk areas.

Holden offers new, nearly new and approved used cars and vans for sale to private and business clients. We offer servicing, repairs and maintenance for Norfolk motorists from its Norwich & Kings Lynn sites, all at affordable prices. We pride ourselves on having a trusted reputation for being knowledgeable and offering an honest and enjoyable experience.

Why are we different?

There are two things we love most at Holden, our customers and cars. With over 90 years of experience we know that choosing the right car can be a difficult decision.


Are you creating the life you want?

Is the question we ask ourselves, every day! Your life is a journey, it’s one we’d love to be part of, maybe we can help or enrich that journey?

We’ve turned a traditional approach on its head. Usually, businesses consider... what results do we want? And then… how can we get employees on board with that? We flipped it and asked… if employees have complete clarity on their personal goals and are inspired to focus and learn, what could we both achieve? So if a university isn't upset when students graduate and leave, let's acknowledge that our team and any future members are on their own journey. The more we teach you, the better we treat you, the longer your journey with us will be.

What Holden Can Give To You

  • Life coach
    A free confidential life coach visits monthly.
  • Personal development budget
    Employees receive £150 to spend on learning something new.
  • Maps management training
    Clear career progression pathways have been created with an internal management development programme.
  • Work life balance 
    We offer 5-day rotas through to offering choices between pay rewards and extra annual leave.
  • Colourworks
    Colourworks provide you with a personal profile that uses an accessible, colour system to give you an insight into your typical behaviours.
  • Mindspan
    Mindspan looks beyond common ideas of positive thinking to help you examine how your daily mindset can be enhanced and re-trained to unlock your true potential. 
  • Personal Goals
    Truly successful people have a strong sense of purpose , they set goals and they know where they're going!
  • Good Egg recognition scheme 
    When it comes to saying thank you for a job well done, we've cracked it with our Good Egg recognition scheme.
  • Employee benefits
    Employees can benefit from cost prices for vehicles, services and much more!

Check out our current vacancies here and be sure to follow us on icanbea... to keep up with the latest news!

5 Videos

Working for the Holden Group - Zoe
Working for The Holden Group - Jake
Working for the Holden Group - Kiera
Holden Group - Who We Are
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