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East Suffolk & North Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Colchester Hospital / Ipswich Hospital

About Us

At East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) we provide hospital and community health care services for Colchester, Ipswich and local areas. Formed on 1 July 2018, ESNEFT is the largest NHS organisation in the region.

We provide services from Colchester and Ipswich hospitals, Aldeburgh, Clacton, Halstead, Harwich and Felixstowe community hospitals and Bluebird Lodge near Ipswich. You can see these sites on the map below. We also provide community services in Suffolk.

Colchester and Ipswich hospitals have major accident and emergency (A&E) departments.

Our ambition is simple: to offer the best care and experience. To achieve this ambition, we have five strategic objective

  • Keep people in control of their health
  • Lead the integration of care
  • Develop our centres of excellence
  • Support and develop our staff
  • Drive technology enabled care   

Our NHS organisation is a Foundation Trust.  As a Foundation Trust, decisions are made by our Board of Directors and overseen by our Council of Governors.

The Board of Directors that runs our Trust has responsibility for what we do.  Our Board has two types of directors:

  • The day-to-day running of the Trust is the responsibility of our executive directors. Some can vote at the Board and some cannot.
  • Our non-executive directors provide an independent check on how well the Trust runs. You can read more about the Board here.

Some staff and members of the public are part of our Council of Governors. The Council share their views of our services with the Board.

You can sign up as a public member to get latest updates and opportunities to be more involved.


Our job is to ensure that the people that work for us have the ability, skills, knowledge and expertise to provide a high quality, safe and effective service.

We also aim to ensure our people are able to grow as individuals and find satisfaction and well-being at work.

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