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Earlham Institute

Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7UH

About us

The Earlham Institute is a hub of life science research, training, and innovation focused on understanding the natural world through the lens of genomics.

Embracing the full breadth of life on Earth, our scientists specialise in developing and testing the latest tools and approaches needed to decode living systems and make predictions about biology.

The Earlham Institute is based within the Norwich Research Park and is one of eight institutes that receive strategic funding from UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), as well as support from other research funders.

Our Vision

We are building a future where the biology of any organism can be understood by analysing its genome.

Our Mission

The Earlham Institute’s mission is to unravel the scale and complexity of living systems so we can understand, benefit from, and protect life on Earth.

Bringing together multi-disciplinary expertise in the life sciences with engineering, computational science, and biotechnology, we are:

  • Answering fundamental and important biological questions
  • Pioneering the development of new technology and enabling resources
  • Using our unique skills, knowledge, and infrastructure to address global challenges
  • Training the next generation of scientists and upskilling the community
  • Collaborating with academia and industry to realise the impact of our science
  • Engaging with policy makers, the public, and stakeholders about our science


It takes a team to make the next breakthrough, and we're looking for the best and brightest minds to join us in tackling some of the biggest challenges in life science.

Life at Earlham

Before considering joining us, you might want to take a look at our culture, our building and our people. Afterall, enjoying your job is what really makes it shine. We have all the technology, the resources and the hard problems that make working with us exciting - but it's our people that make it special. We work together as a team and everyone shares in the success together, whether a researcher, support specialist or student.


Taking on a studentship can be challenging, but also hugely rewarding. They are often your first step into a new career and can open up a world of opportunities for you to develop as a researcher - perhaps one day you'll be a leader in your field. Our job is to get you there.


Come and do your best work with us. Fellowships the environment and resources you need to build a team and deliver cutting-edge research.

Find out more

To learn more about the Earlham Institute, use the links provided to our website and follow us here on icanbea... for the latest news, events and opportunities.

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