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Bacton Transport

Woolpit, Felixstowe and Sawley

About Us

Established in 1932, Bacton Transport Services Limited provides general and dedicated road transport and distribution services to businesses across the UK.

The company’s principal operations are in Suffolk with an increasing footprint in other regions, including the South East and East Midlands, driven by the growth in demand for the company’s unique brand of high quality, asset-rich services.

Today, the business trades from operating centres in Woolpit and Felixstowe in Suffolk and Sawley in Derbyshire reflecting the increasing breadth of sectors and customers who choose to work with us.

The company has recognised the need of specific sectors and established successful long-term relationships with key customers.

With the growing customer base comes increasing scale and Bacton Transport now moves more than three thousand tonnes of freight every day, consisting of six hundred individual consignments whilst our fleet uses over two million litres of fuel every year.

With 90 years of trading history, we remain true to our origins as a service driven, owner-managed business with the emphasis on relationships and continuity - building a secure future for customers, suppliers and employees alike while cementing our place as one of Suffolk’s leading road hauliers.

The heritage of the business, stretching back 90 years, continues to shape the board of directors twin long-term goals of sustainable growth and increasing enterprise value.

Working for Us

Bacton Transport is always looking for good people to join our growing organisation. We are particularly interested in talking to local colleges and schools about the wide range of possible careers offered by logistics

The logistics industry as a whole has a need of keen, bright young people and Bacton is proud to have recently offered apprenticeships and other job opportunities to some of our local school leavers. We also welcome applications from people of diverse ethnic backgrounds and from women, both of whom are under-represented in operational roles in the sector.

Typical roles

Some of the roles that we recruit for include the examples listed below. (These are not current live vacancies*) 

You can click each role to see what we look for in our applicants - and you'll see differing skillsets and requirements that makes all sorts of people the right fit for an exciting careers with us in transport and logistics. 

*Don't forget to check our jobs feed at the bottom of the page for more details of live vacancies we are offering.  

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A Career in Transport & Logistics - Bacton Transport
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