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Active Suffolk

c/o East Suffolk Council, East Suffolk House, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1AU

About Active Suffolk

Active Suffolk (formerly Suffolk Sport) is the Active Partnership for Suffolk, one of 43 Active Partnerships across England committed to increasing the number of people taking part in sport and physical activity.

Active Suffolk works in conjunction with a wide range of partners including local authorities, national governing bodies (NGB's), the education sector, the health sector, charitable/voluntary organisations and third sector organisations to address the worrying levels of inactivity in society and promote sustainable change.

Our role is to co-ordinate sport and activity programmes, support the development of clubs, coaches and volunteers and provide a single source of information for sport and physical activity in Suffolk.

Our Vision

Improved health and wellbeing across Suffolk by inspiring everyone to be more active.

Our Aims

  • Health and Wellbeing - To contribute to increasing participation & improving health for all sections of the community.
  • Business and Marketing - To develop and promote Active Suffolk, its business activities and delivery programmes.
  • Strategic Coordination - Effective coordination to ensure national, regional & local policy is implemented to meet local community need.
  • Children and Young People - To support delivery of the sport offer to young people in education & community settings.
  • Workforce Development - To support the development of a high-quality workforce matched to the needs of the county.

Our Core Values

Active Suffolk has a set of core values and principles that underpin everything we do. At all time, we will be:

  • Innovative - We will introduce new ideas and methods to meet Suffolk’s challenges.
  • Adaptable - We will be flexible and proactive to changing conditions, in order to meet both customer and stakeholder requirements.
  • Collaborative - We will put partnership working at the heart of everything we do.
  • Goal focused - We will demonstrate strength of purpose to achieve the desired strategic outcomes.
  • Decisive - We will make effective and timely decisions based on insight and a customer-centric approach.

Work with Active Suffolk

There are many fantastic opportunities to get involved in developing and promoting sport in Suffolk, and our strength lies in the lifelong relationships that we build with the individuals and organisations we work with.

If you'd like to know more about what we do or for opportunities to work with us, be sure to check out the links to our website and follow us here on icanbea for the latest news and updates.

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