About Ports 

There are about 120 commercial ports in the UK which include major all-purpose ports such as London and Liverpool, ferry ports such as Dover, specialised container ports such as Felixstowe and ports catering for specialised bulk traffic such as grain which is handled at the Port of Ipswich.  There are also many smaller ports which cater for local traffic specialising in sectors such as fishing or leisure crafts.

The UK ports industry handles 95% of UK import and export by volume - about 500 million tonnes of freight per year - and around 22 million international passengers pass through UK ports each year.  The port of Felixstowe handles around 26 million tons of cargo.

Below are the range of different ports that we have in Norfolk and Suffolk, between them the ports offer a whole range of career opportunities with the Port of Felixstowe employing over 2,500 people directly....

  • Felixstowe is the biggest container port in the UK and one of the largest in Europe and welcomes over 3000 ships each year.
  • Lowestoft offers servicing facilities for the North sea offshore wind, oil and gas industries.
  • Ipswich is the largest port for UK agricultural export.
  • Great Yarmouth offers servicing facilities for the offshore renewable and oil and gas industries.
  • King’s Lynn is a regional hub for agricultural products and offers extensive handling and storage facilitates.
  • Wells offers servicing facilities for wind farms and has a harbour which supports vessels for fishing, leisure and tourism.

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Did You Know?
There are about 120 commercial ports in the United Kingdom.

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Uniserve: Felixstowe Mega Distribution Centre
Port of Felixstowe (Hutchinson Ports)
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Human Resources - Port of Felixstowe
Maritime UK
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Meet Maritime People (Maritime UK)
Associated British Ports (ABP)
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ABP | Women in Maritime
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