Home Explore Industries Rescue Services Mountain & Cave Rescue

About Mountain & Cave Rescue

Mountain Rescue teams are mostly volunteers and will be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to rescue walkers and climbers who are in trouble and to ensure injured and sick causalities get the care that they need.

They will help search for missing children, vulnerable adults, reunite lost walkers with their friends and are involved in rescuing many different animals from all manner of difficulties.   

This could be on and off the hills, the role also includes helping search river banks and other running water which could be flooded villages/towns to help home owners to safety.

Cave Rescue teams work to rescue people who are trapped underground.  There are many disused mines, tunnels and caves around the UK and sometimes people exploring them can get themselves into trouble.

All the people who work as cave rescuers are volunteers but will be experienced cavers and also have specialist knowledge of diving underwater and working in enclosed areas.

if you’re a keen mountaineer or caver, you are at home in the mountains or underground, and you have a good knowledge of rope work, navigation and a basic understanding of first aid, you could volunteer to join your local team and undertake training in the vital rescue skills required.

Find out how to join cave rescue or mountain rescue as a volunteer.

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