About the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare in the UK is a devolved matter, meaning that England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland each have their own systems of publicly funded healthcare.

Although the largest employer across the sector is the NHS, private healthcare provision can also offer many and varied career opportunities.  Working for private healthcare organisations could either entail healthcare provision to private patients - those who either pay for the services themselves or through their insurer - or it could mean working for a private healthcare employer who offers or supplements NHS healthcare provision.  (In this scenario the services are free at the point of access to the patient, but private healthcare service is paid for by the NHS)

Roughly a quarter of our healthcare workforce is employed in the private sector working for organisations such as Bupa, Care UK, BMI Healthcare and Spire Healthcare. Significant levels of private healthcare provision support and enable mental health services and planned surgery.

As well as private healthcare services that mirror or supplement NHS provision, there are many charitable organisations that offer specific, additional help and support to those living with long term illnesses, such as Macmillan and Care Homes that provide medial care as well.  This type of work can crossover into Social Care.

Careers in healthcare can be challenging but they can also be very rewarding. If you have empathy for others and a strong desire to help other people with their physical health, this industry could be the one for you.

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