About Fashion and Textiles

As a nation we are surrounded by fashion, whether it is on the front page of a magazine, on TV, plastered on a billboard or simply walking down the street, it is everywhere. Many of the fashion designers have become just as famous as the models and actors who wear their designs.

The fashion industry however is made up of many more people than just the designers and models. It requires people to research which designs are selling in order to predict what might be popular in the future, textile manufacturers to identify fabrics that would suit the design, pattern cutters, seamstresses, quality control, marketing, retailers to sell the products and logistics to transport it.

As you can see there are many different aspects to the fashion industry, have a look to see if there is something that suits you!

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Did You Know?
London Fashion Week (LFW) is one of the highest profile fashion events in the world and one of the ‘big four' international catwalk influences, with estimated orders of over £100m placed during LFW each season.

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Cake & Catwalk
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A Career in Fashion - Cake and Catwalk
Norwich University of the Arts
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Norwich University of the Arts campus
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How prisoners built Timpson's key empire
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Upside-down management and business secrets
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