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About Emergency Medical Services

Emergency medical services in the UK will provide emergency services to people with acute illness or who have suffered an injury. This could be via the ambulance service or an emergency department.

The service is predominantly free at the point of use by the four National Health Services in the UK - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

There are various career options available within Emergency Medical Services, some positions are open to non-graduates, others require a suitable degree.  Whichever route you decide upon you will need to have a caring nature, good communication and organisational skills and the ability to stay calm in challenging situations.

The following are some of the roles that are available through the NHS

Patient Transport Service driver (PTS)

Call handler/emergency medical dispatcher

Emergency care assistant

Emergency medical technician

Patient Transport Service (PTS) call handler


Experience Paramedic

Find out more about the roles above by clicking the links.

In addition to the NHS ambulance service, there are some private and volunteer emergency medical services which are sometimes used at public events or large private sites, also Community first responders who are people that are dispatched by the ambulance control centre to attend a medical emergency in their local area.  They can be members of the public who have received basic training, off duty ambulance staff or professionals from other emergency services such as firefighters or security officers.

Air ambulance services in the UK are not part of the NHS and are funded through charitable donations. 

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Did You Know?
More than five million people in the UK are employed in the public sector.

21 Videos

Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
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Series 5 Ep. 22 - The importance of Clinical Education in Healthcare with Lynne and Zoe
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH)
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Behind the scenes of the Critical Care Complex
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH)
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Overseas nurses recruitment video
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
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Series 5 Ep. 34 Work Experience with Carrie and Zoe
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