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About Community and Youth Work

Community and youth work involves helping young and disadvantaged people reach their potential in their personal and social development.

This could include offering advice and guidance, helping individuals learn about themselves, supporting them through difficult situations and help in developing skills and attitudes.

Youth workers typically work with young people aged between 11 and 25, they may act as a mentor or counselor and will plan, organise and oversee community activities which are designed to facilitate personal, social and emotional development helping young people to believe in themselves and prepare for their futures.

Community workers help individuals, families and whole communities to improve the quality of their lives by changing situations and tackling problems that they may face. They often work closely with teachers, social workers, police, local authorities, probation officers and other agencies.

East Anglia boast a number of youth and community projects offering help and support as well as exciting opportunities and fun activities.

Organisations such as Porch Project aim to support young people’s: physical, mental, social, spiritual and educational well-being with regular meetings and social events. There are also organisations that seek to help those who are struggling; be that with employment, financial matters or day to day living issues. Realise Futures is one such organisation looking to help those who are long-term unemployed, disabled, disadvantaged, Army veterans, ex-offenders, parents and carers and those who - for whatever reason - just haven’t had their fair share of breaks in life.

Careers in community and youth work can be both rewarding and eye-opening, you could help to make a real difference in a persons life. A great way to find out if this is the career for you is to offer your time as a volunteer.

Follow the various links for further information on the different career options and job roles in this sector.

11 Job ideas in this area

4 Organisations in this area

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121 Videos

Dogface Improv
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Chris and Tim Soszko talk improv on BBC Radio Norfolk
Suffolk Mind
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Volunteer at Suffolk Mind
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6 Posts

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Step Forward - Our new mentoring programme (The Mason Trust)
Would you like help finding employment? The Mason Trust's new Step Forward mentoring project opened on the 1st of July for 16-24 year olds who live in South Norfolk.
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Conservation Volunteering: July dates (Norfolk Environmental Action Team)
Closing Date:
31st July 2024
A programme of Conservation Volunteering to improve local green spaces – and your health. Join in whenever suits you throughout July.
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Conservation Volunteering: mid-end June (Norfolk Environmental Action Team)
This event has taken place
Closing Date:
28th June 2024
A programme of Conservation Volunteering to improve local green spaces – and your health. Join in whenever suits you. Norfolk Environmental Action Team.
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Career: Psychologist, Psychology
Psychologists help to solve peoples' real-life problems through the application of the scientific study of the mind and behaviour.
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Travel and Transport to education / work - find bus and train services
Transport can be a big issue, especially if you live in a rural location - it can have an impact on the choices you make. The following links provide information on the transport links in your region and how to apply for discount cards.
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‘Is This OK?’ - Free, confidential and anonymous, gateway for 13-18 year olds at risk of or experiencing, sexual or criminal exploitation and abuse
‘Is This OK?’ is a free, confidential and anonymous, digital gateway for young people aged between 13-18 at risk of, or currently experiencing, sexual or criminal exploitation and/or abuse.
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