Home Explore Employer Survey: Higher and Degree Apprenticeships (For Norfolk Employers)

Employer Survey: Higher and Degree Apprenticeships (For Norfolk Employers)



8th October 2020

Norfolk employer responses appreciated!

Apprenticeships Norfolk are thrilled to be working with UEA to launch a new research survey, looking specifically at the higher skills needs of businesses across Norfolk and the resulting demand for Higher& Degree Apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships are a great route for attracting high calibre recruits to your business and to upskill your existing workforce. With generous levels of Government subsidy (fully-funded in some instances), they can provide your organisation and employees with the essential training needed to aid your business plans and support your growth ambitions.

They're inviting you to complete/share the survey with your employer networks across Norfolk please, via the link below…


The electronic survey is quick to complete and shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

Thank you for taking the time to complete/share this survey and helping to inform the future of Apprenticeships in Norfolk. Please do share with other businesses in your network you feel would benefit from providing a response. They will be sharing via social media – please feel free to share & retweet!

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