Spider Web Recruitment

Beta Terrace, West Road, Ipswich, IP39FE

About us

Finding great candidates for great companies is what we do.

We are not a recruitment agency. We will not require you to ‘register’ unless we think we can help you. We will not waste your time with unnecessary form filling. We help businesses that are looking for your skill set to find you. We do this for companies quickly with minimal fuss and minimal cost. Once your application is received for a specific advertisement we short-list based on the required skills. If the match is potentially a good one the client or one of our team will liaise directly with you.

Michelle Pollard has been in the recruitment industry, locally and nationally for over 28 years and is owner of local web recruitment company Spider. Michelle is also Vice Chair of Ipswich Chamber of Commerce, a board member of Suffolk business Woman and shares her experience as Vice Chair of the Suffolk Skills Show.

On considering how she got in to her career, Michelle said “I am not sure if in today’s environment I would be where I am today, but what I would say is if you are a parent of a child who is lucky enough to have a great skill or talent, encourage them to use it to their best advantage whether this is through a vocational or non-vocational route. We all have a responsibility to inspire and raise the aspirations of the next generation.” And on recruitment and job hunting in general “In my line of work, I am continuously being told there is a skills shortage and that employers cannot find the right candidates. We do need to ‘skill up’ but we also need to educate young people in how to apply for a job, how to produce a CV, how to send this to an employer and how to look and perform at an interview.” Research is key so use all of the opportunities offered to you to find out more about a job you wish to apply for, the employer and industry within which they work.

Searching for your next career...

Spider takes the leg work and the guess work out of job hunting online. We can help to find quality candidates for a wide range of careers.

Spider is focused on helping companies in the East Anglian region recruit quality staff. We can advertise vacancies online and place these in front of candidates that are proactively looking for work. We also have our own CV Database with thousands of local candidates across the region who are looking for their next career move.

Spider is locally connected in the East Anglian region and can ensure your vacancies are presented to our ever growing network via Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn.

To search for your next challenge visit our Job Search page.

Your CV

To be considered for your perfect role it’s critical that your CV is accurate, up to date and relevant. Your CV is the window to your new career, spend time and effort when writing it to reap the reward of a perfect job.

If you need more support when writing your CV Spider can help. We also offer a CV writing service. Take a look at our Candidate page for more information on writing CV's.

For more details about how we can help or to send your CV, email Hello@spiderrecruit.co.uk  

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A Career in Recruitment - Spider
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