Painting Pixels

Unit 7 - The Quadrangle Centre, The Drift Nacton Road, Ipswich, IP3 9QR

About us

Painting Pixels is a multimedia design studio based in Ipswich, within the leafy county of Suffolk. As the strap line suggests we are a multimedia design studio, meaning our talented team have the skill set to work with multiple design disciplines including an array of 2D illustrators and concept artists, 2D and motions graphics artists, video productions and editing specialist, 3D modelling and animations artist to highly technical programmers capable of producing the most complex of code allowing for amazing state-of-art websites and smart phones apps.


At Painting Pixels our team of highly talented programmers, animators and artists specialise in providing all manner of design and development solutions. Whilst our core service sectors are Graphic Design, 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Web Design, Video Production and Mobile Applications; We also provide many other services including full start to finish TV advert production service, script writing and Project Management services. Each of these sectors encompasses a large array of additional services and options. So feel free to check out our services and give us a call; we will be happy to help.

Job Enquiries

Please feel free to contact us at our Ipswich based design studio at

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