Happiness Club

Upland Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5BT

About Happiness Club

Happiness Coach, Samantha Brook, is learning how to be happy and her mission in life is to inspire others do the same. Samantha is passionate about teaching others the tips, tricks, tools and techniques that have helped her achieve this.

Ten years ago, Samantha felt stuck, frustrated and depressed. She was fed up of being single, overweight, unhealthy, miserable and in debt. Since then Samantha has been on a journey of self-discovery. In 2018 she successfully came off her anti-depressant medication after being on it for 26 years! As well as successfully coming off her anti-depressant medication, her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health have never been better. She’s in a happy, healthy relationship. In the last two years she has lost over 24 lb in weight. As of December 2021 she is debt free. Samantha wants to share the secrets of her success, warts and all, with you so that you can understand her experience and learn to be happy.

At Happiness Club Samantha offers the following Happiness Coaching services one-to-one coaching, TFT Tapping Therapy, workshops and online courses.

Samantha has a life coaching qualification and NLP certification, and a wealth of life experience. If you have serious mental health issues however, Samantha can refer you to someone who is qualified to deal with that.

Samantha lives in Ipswich, Suffolk with her partner Andy and two cats, Gabby and Charlie. In her downtime she loves to spend time by the sea. Passionate about spirituality and personal development, she spends lots of her time reading and attending various trainings and retreats. She also loves socialising and enjoys eating and drinking out with Andy and her friends. Andy and Samantha share a love of poker, which is where they met.


  • Intuitive Happiness Coaching
    For more in-depth Happiness coaching and faster results you can book Sam for one-to-one coaching. Happiness Coaching can help you deal with difficult situations, make decisions, help you achieve your goals, get what you want and more.
  • Thought Field Therapy (TFT) also known as Tapping.
    TFT Tapping Therapy can help you release blocks, let go of limiting self-beliefs, overcome problems, difficulties and phobias. It can also help you to get what you want and achieve your goals.
  • Online Courses
    Sam’s currently offers online course Happiness Club for Unlimited Self-Esteem. 
  • The Happiness Club
    In this series of workshops Sam shares her tips, tricks, tools and techniques for achieving Happiness, unlimited self-esteem, happy, healthy relationships, abundance, getting what you want and more. Join Sam on her six-week course – Happiness Club for Unlimited Self-Esteem. This will be held at Cult Café in Ipswich, Suffolk.

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