
9, Gilchrist Close, Bessemer Road, Norwich, NR4 6AT

About Us

A unique service to provide opportunities to for children and adults with a disability to improve their day-to-day function.

Our Mission

At Able2B, optimising day-to-day function for individuals with a disability, is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our adapted programs and activities are designed to the individual to help them reach their goals and fulfil their true potential. Learn more about the positive impact we have had and join us in bringing about positive change.

Our Story

The initiative was developed in 2016 by Rachael Hutchinson, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Jon Thaxton, retired boxer and personal trainer. The aim was to help people with a disability optimise their aerobic fitness and muscle strength as well as improve their concentration and self confidence in a fun way. 

The service has gradually built from a single small class in a local boxing club to having received the Active Norfolk Award for ‘Services to Disability Sport’ in 2017 & 2018. Receiving backing from JustforChildren and Irwin Mitchell Solicitors has enabled us to move to a new adapted gym site at Norwich Clinic, 9, Gilchrist Close, Norwich NR4 6AT, so that we can develop this concept further, reaching a wider audience.

Having learnt from our initial classes and being in our own facility, allows us to expand the initial concept to offer classes to other client groups-such as those with learning difficulties, the deaf and partially sighted, post stroke and heart attack patients, diabetes and obesity.

Using Jon’s experience in motivational work and our experience in working around medical problems and the issues that may occur we can achieve outcomes that make a massive difference to day to day life.

We are also able to offer advice to schools and local businesses with regards to inclusivity, work experience and employment, in the aim to improve opportunities for teenagers and young adults with a disability.

Our Services

  • Public classes
    At Able2B we have a range of of public classes available including Boxercise, HIIT, Pilates, 1.1 personal training, Reiki & Relaxation and small group training.
  • Able2B at home
    We provide an at home exercise service for both individuals and care homes/supported living.  
  • Carer's service
    We offer fitness classes specifically for carers, as well as reiki & relaxation sessions.
  • Schools & business
    At Able2B we have a range of bespoke group classes and work experience consultancy for teenagers with disability.
  • Discover Your Ability annual event
    The event sees children with and without disabilities working in pairs to complete a challenge-success being seen as working as a pair so that the challenge can be completed together.


Able2B is a unique service combining medical expertise and personal training knowledge to optimise function for people with a disability. Our small but experienced team uses sports medicine techniques to allow individuals to discover their ability in a fun and supported way.

We are a great team to work with and used to training and supporting. Working with us either as a volunteer or in paid employment is a way to learn and understand more about working with individuals with both physical and learning disability, Our methods give an alternative way to view ‘therapy’. We welcome any enthusiastic, open-minded individual who would like to work alongside a fun but professional team of individuals to better understand working in the care sector, medicine and physiotherapy and also how to deliver effective personal training to all.

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2 Videos

The Able2B Team
Jon Thaxton - Why I love what I do
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