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Tour guide


Job Description

Tourist guides show visitors around places of interest - historic buildings, art galleries, cities etc. They learn about and research a given area or about an exhibition as a whole and then use their knowledge to prepare and conduct an inspiring and educational tour for members of the public.

Entry Requirements

You can get into this job through:

Other Routes

You could apply to the Institute of Touring Guide and see if your regional tourist guide associations are looking for new guides in the region that run their own schemes.

Guide London offers blue badge training, which usually takes around 18 months, and some heritage organisations, like York Minster, have their own training courses.

Although this job role does not require formal qualifications, we highly recommend that you try to achieve at least a grade 4 (C) in English & Maths. Achieving this minimum grade in these subjects will increase opportunities in the future and help with your career development and prospects.

If you don't achieve the minimum grades, you will be supported to continue to study English and Maths throughout your full-time education or an apprenticeship.

Career Tips

An outgoing and friendly personality, plus being able to speak a second or third language, will give you an advantage when applying for jobs. Experience of dealing with the public and giving presentations will also help.

Career Path and Progression

With experience you could work for a tour operator as a regional tour supervisor or manager.

Related careers you may be interested in:

  • Tour manager
  • Visitor attraction general manager
  • Resort representative
  • EFL teacher
  • Tourist information centre assistant

Required Skills

  • a strong interest in history, architecture or the specialism you are in
  • good interpersonal skills
  • the ability to communicate effectively
  • to be able to present information in an interesting way
  • a good memory for facts and figures
  • good organisational skills
  • an awareness of health and safety procedures

Salary Range

£18,000 to £30,000

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