Home Explore Job Ideas Presenter



Job Description

A Presenter will present a television or radio show or the news, they will be required to interview people and report on events and current issues. They will research background information for the items to be featured on the programme, they may have to plan and rehearse the show and will need to present information in an entertaining and attractive way.  Salaries can vary enormously for this role, depending on whether the presenter is freelance or working full time for a radio station or channel.

Entry Requirements

There are a number of ways that you could get into this role.


Many presenters get their degree first, relevant subjects include:

  • Media production
  • Drama or performing arts
  • Journalism or broadcast journalism
  • Media or communications studies

If you want to work as a presenter in a specialist subject area, you many need a degree relevant to your specialism ie science, history, economics etc.

You will usually need:

  • 2 or 3 A levels or equivalent for your degree course

University course search


You could take an advanced apprenticeship in creative media as a first step towards this role.

You will usually need:

  • 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) or equivalent including English and maths

Search for an apprenticeship

Work based route

You could start as a journalist or in other media roles and work your way towards becoming a presenter.  Or if you have detailed knowledge of a particular subject such as sport, gardening, food etc. you may be able to present alongside an experienced professional.

Career Tips

You need to do as much work experience and volunteering as possible, the following offer volunteering:

Broadcasters such as the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 offer work experience placements which could help you get into the industry.

Vlogging or YouTube is another good way to get started and will give you skills and experience.

It would be a good idea to have a two or three minute showreel to demonstrate your ability which you can send to broadcasters, producers and media recruitment agencies.  It is a good way to sell yourself and show your presenting talent.

Some broadcasters hold competitions when they are looking for new presenters.

Career Path and Progression

With experience you could choose to move into other areas of the industry such as production

Required Skills

  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • The ability to speak clearly
  • Good interpersonal skills and a friendly approach
  • Knowledge of current affairs
  • Good research and interviewing skills
  • The ability to react quickly to situations
  • Creativity
  • Self confidence


Salaries can vary massively depending on experience and reputation.  

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