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About Sports & Leisure

Can you imagine working in an industry where you can earn money doing something that you love to do, wouldn't that be great? Well the sports and leisure industry could offer you just that!

If you are passionate about a sport that you are involved with now as a hobby, you may be able to find a job role connected with it.

Becoming a professional sportsperson takes an awful lot of hard work and dedication but it is not beyond the realms of possibility after all there are many famous sports people who were originally from our region such as Anthony Ogogo (boxer), Matthew Pinsent (Olympic rowing champion), Herbie Hide (boxer), Martin Brundle (F1 racing driver), Emma Pooley (cyclist) and many more Olympians from various sports.

However becoming a professional sports person is not a realistic option for everybody but there are many other jobs that you could do within the industry, what about sports journalism, commentator, coaching, fitness instructor, life guard, sports centre manager, horse trainer, stable staff, manufacture of sports equipment, the list goes on, there are many different and varied roles within the sector.

The Suffolk and Norfolk region offers many opportunities within the industry with many sports and leisure centres, two large professional football clubs, loads of smaller sports clubs and a centre of excellence for training in horse racing based in Newmarket.

Whichever aspect of the industry you decide would suit you, a good way to start would be as a volunteer, get involved in a sports club near you, it's great fun and would also look good on your CV!

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There are 54,250 tennis balls used during the Wimbledon Championship period and they all have to be stored at 20 degrees Celsius.

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