What is icanbea...?
Your FREE resource for careers and ideas in Norfolk, Suffolk and beyond. Search employers, vacancies, build a CV....and more!
Browse / search local jobs, apprenticeships, work experience and volunteering. Also careers / learning news and resources..
Sizewell C Opportunities
You could be directly employed by Sizewell C as part of the core team, or work for one of the contract partners (Ext. Link)
Green Futures
Find out about careers that help us get us to Net Zero and the skills you need to access them.
Local Employers
Explore local employers and support organisations across Norfolk and Suffolk and see what they have to offer.
Local Disability Confident Employers
We aim to provide a list of employers and other organisations that we work with who are signed up to Disability Confident.
Careerometer and Skillsometer
The Careerometer & Skillsometer widgets are designed to provide an easy way to get access to national LMI.
Combine your love of horses with the chance to gain qualifications. Check out the BRS Level 2 Diploma (Sep 2025)
Latest Local Apprenticeships
Real jobs where you learn, gain experience and get paid. Take a look at these local opportunities!
Skills Assessment Test .GOV
Find out about careers that might be for you by taking a quick skills assessment from the National Careers Service. (Ext. Link)
16 Personalities Test
Get a description of who you are and why you do things the way you do (External Website)
CV Builder
Get a basic CV up and running in no time with our simple-to-use (phone friendly) tool. Perfect if you're starting from scratch!
24/7 Video Careers Fair
Hear directly from local people about how to get into a huge range of careers in these videos.
Need support in Suffolk? Check out...
...THE SOURCE - for information, advice & support on a range of issues that impact 11-19s, incl. health & wellbeing. (Ext. link)
Student & Jobseeker support info
Information and resources for fidning courses, jobs, writing a CV, finding transport, working for yourself and more
Future of Work
A vibrant new series of conferences offering unique insights into the variety of high-tech manufacturing careers. (Ext. link)
Do you know about FrontFoot Life?
This charity helps veterans and service leavers transition into civilian jobs with support. Check them out! (External link)
Careers Wizard
Find a career with our quick and easy careers wizard!
Find a job or career in Norfolk or Suffolk based on your specific interests!
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